fourth week

Publié le par Sandie Deboissy



This Week end, the international society had organized a trip to Cork. We leaved friday morning and after 4 hours of bus we discovered our dormitory. We were 9 in our room ( 1 turkich, 2 germans, 1 austrian and 4 french). We walked a little bit in the town and we prepared our crazy evening. We went in the old oak, a club-pub with a majoriry of the 80 erasmus.

The next day, after a shopping morning between gilrs, we went in the english market, and we ate in an india restaurant. The afternoon, we walked across the city until a big park where we visited a museum on the Cork history. We tried to visit a famous jail but all museum and activity closed at 4 o clock in ireland, so we just took a cafe in a nice pub.


The evening, we tried to find a other pub but I was to young to go in the first one, and the second one we tried was an hard rock club and I go out in running !


Finally , the sunday was the best part of this trip , we went in Kinsale, on the coast at 50 minutes of bus. The sun was shinning, we were in the Charles Fort and walked all the day along the coast. The landscape was really beautiful, the rock is very steep. All houses have different colors, it looks like a cartoon sometimes but it is very nice.188312_1761134223024_1079114794_1971045_6613770_n.jpg


I really liked Cork, it is peacefull, the city is on a human scale, we can find a lot of park , it is near the see, people are very nice and the city is quite animated.

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